Offene Bühne Berlin im Theater o.N., 18.2.2019, 19 h

Die Erzählbühne Berlin lädt ein zu
mit seinem Programm
„Witches, Wee Folk and Watery Beasties“, Mythic tales from Scotland
Foto: Nita Wings
Come and meet the unusual creatures that dwell in the dark waters, dance upon the green hills and seek unsuspecting souls on high barren moors, in the mystical, raw and beautiful Highlands of Scotland. Dougie Mackay rejuvenates a selection of traditional wonder tales in this eclectic storytelling session.
Dougie Mackay is prominent amongst Scotland’s emerging storytellers, mixing traditional tales with contemporary flair to fine effect. His recent storytelling show received great reviews in front of capacity audiences at the Edinburgh Fringe festival, and other recent storytelling Highlights include performing at Festival at the Edge in England and Vilnius Storytelling festival in Lithuania.
A community worker and outdoor educator, his tales often reflect a warm appreciation of humanity and awe of the natural world.
Mehr über Dougie Mackay unter:
Im ersten Teil des Abends gehört die Bühne den Erzählfreudigen aus dem Publikum. Es moderieren Kathleen Rappolt und Sven Tjaben.
9,50 € / 6,50 € (erm.)
Reservierung: oder 030 440 92 14
Theater o.N.
Kollwitzstraße 53
10405 Berlin
Anfahrt mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln:
Tram M2 Haltestelle Knaackstraße/Immanuelkirchstraße
U-Bahn U2 Haltestelle Senefelder Platz