
Offene Bühne Berlin im Theater o.N. am 16.9.2019, 19 h mit Sahand Sahebdivani und Raphael Rodan

Gepostet am 1 Sep 2019

Kingdom of Fire and Clay

ein Erzählprogramm in englischer Sprache von/mit

Sahand Sahebdivani und Raphael Rodan

Foto: Andy O’Hara

Zwei junge Künstler begegnen sich. Todfeinde oder beste Freunde?

Der Erzähler Raphael Rodan aus Israel und der niederländisch iranische Erzähler Sahand Sahebdivani verbinden klassische jüdische und iranische Mythen und Legenden mit eigenen persönlichen Geschichten, um zu entdecken, was Heimat für sie bedeutet, und, ob sie wirklich so unterschiedlich sind, wie Presse, Politiker und die öffentliche Meinung uns glauben machen.

In einer poetischen, starken und eindringlichen Aufführung vermischen sie Worte mit Musik und erzählen ihre Geschichte über Freundschaft und Feindseligkeit.


Two young artists meet. Sworn enemies, or possible best friends?

Storyteller Raphael Rodan from Israel and Dutch Iranian storyteller Sahand Sahebdivani combine classical Jewish and Iranian tales as well as their own personal stories, aiming to discover what home means to them and to see if they are really so different as the press, politicians and the public opinion make us believe.

In a poetic, strong and urgent performance they mix words with music, telling a new story about friendship and animosity.

About the artist:

Raphael Rodan

was Born in the ancient land of the Galilee in Israel. A land full of ancient stories. Stories of war, separation and the demonization of the other. My aim as a teacher, workshop leader and performer is to investigate how these stories can be transformed. Perhaps be used for the opposite, namely to challenge the place in us which categories the „other“ and ourselves. He graduated on 2008 from the School of Speech and Drama in Harduf, Israel and then continued to study at the School of Storytelling in Sussex, UK and completed his Actor training at the Actors Temple in London. In Israel, he used to work as a theatre director for Arab and Jewish young actors, using theatre as a bridge of communication. He runs storytelling workshops and performs all over the continent.

Sahand Sahebdivani

was born in Tehran in 1980 to a family of impoverished nobility, generals, opium smuggles and mystics. He escaped the Ayatollahs at the age of three when his family fled to Amsterdam. Like all good Iranian parents his own wanted him to become a doctor. He surprised his parents and probably saved the lives of future patients by becoming a storyteller instead. He studied storytelling, screenplay writing and music. For the past decade he runs the most popular storytelling center of the Netherlands, hosting nights in Dutch and English. The Dutch storytelling society nominated him national storyteller of the year in 2012 and 2013. Since 2012 he’s started taking his energetic style of storytelling to international stages, performing in the UK, Germany, Hungary and Turkey.

Vor dem Auftritt der Erzähler ist die Bühne wieder frei für alle aus dem Publikum, die Geschichten erzählen wollen – mit Händen und Füßen, mit Worten und Taten, Gestik, Mimik, Gesang, Musik und Witz.


Montag, 16. September 2019, 19 Uhr

Offene Bühne Berlin im Theater o.N.
Kollwitzstraße 53
10405 Berlin

Eintritt 9,50 € | erm. 6,50 €

Reservierung 030 440 92 14 |

Anfahrt mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln:
Tram M2 Haltestelle Knaackstraße/Immanuelkirchstraße
U-Bahn U2 Haltestelle Senefelder Platz

Kasse und Bar öffnen jeweils eine halbe Stunde vor Beginn der Vorstellung.

Eine Veranstaltung des Erzählkunst e. V.