My father held a gun – Erzählabend in engl. Sprache, UdK Berlin, 13.9.2019, 20 h
A passionate, storytelling show with Sahand Sahebdivani and Raphael Rodan about war and peace, acts of heroism, and the love for life. Winner of the Amsterdam Fringe Festival Gold Award 2017.
Iranian Sahebdivani and Israeli Rodan combine a great sense of humor with the urge to tell sincere and meaningful stories. By trying to answer the question “why do men make war?”, they take their audience on a trip through space and time.
My father held a gun – Erzählabend im Rahmen des Zertifikatskurses “Künstlerisches Erzählen – Storytelling in Art and Education” – Performance in englischer Sprache
Ort: Universität der Künste Berlin, Bundesallee 1-12, 10719 Berlin Karte anzeigen
Eintritt: 10 €, erm. 6 €
Ticketreservierungen bitte bis zum 12.09.2019 an:
Abholung der Tickets an der Abendkasse ab 19 Uhr.
Info: Halka Freund,